Westborough High School
October 21, 2015
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Executive Summary
The MSLA Executive Board met on Wednesday, October 21 and discussed several issues related to advocacy. The Executive Board received information that the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), has dropped the library as a requirement from its revised standards for certification, and will be following up with the organization to confirm and clarify if any changes have been made with regard to libraries, and, if so, what those changes are.
Ann Perham has been busy creating a new website for MSLA and it is expected to launch in December. In conjunction with our theme of advocacy, Ann is looking for librarians to submit photos of their students and quotes from students, teachers, and administrators promoting the library program. These photos and quotes will appear in a rotating slideshow on the new website.
Registration will be opening on November 11 for Digital Learning Day, held at the WGBH studios on January 8. This event is held in conjunction with the ALA Midwinter meeting in Boston. Don’t forget to sign up!