Executive Board meeting
October 18, 2017 4:00--6:00 PM
Attending Virtually:
Alison Barker, Old Rochester Regional High School, Co-Director Southeast Region
Lani Blechman, Fort River Elementary, Amherst, Co-Director West Region
Amy Bloom, Wilson Middle School, Natick, Co-Director, Metrowest Region
Rachel Bouhanda, Billerica High School, Legislation
Anita Cellucci, Westborough High School, outgoing President
Cathy Collins, Sharon High School, Advocacy Co-Chair
Karen Davidson-Heller, Malden Catholic High School, Co-Director Boston Region
Jennifer Dimmick, Newton South High School, Secretary
Patsy Divver, Millis Middle/High School, Co-Director Metrowest Region
Deeth Ellis, Boston Latin School, Co-Director Boston Region
Laura Gardner, Dartmouth Middle School, Advocacy Co-Chair
Laura Harrington, North Andover High School, Co-Director Northeast Region
Kathy Lowe, Executive Director
Claudia Palframan, Dupont Middle School, Co-Director West Region
Ann Perham, Awards Co-Chair
Amy Short, Director for Library Media for Cambridge Public Schools, Awards Co-Chair
Katherine Steiger, Newton South High School, Forum Newsletter Co-Editor
Carrie Tucker, East Bridgewater Junior Senior High School, President
Jen Varney, Dr. Martin Luther King Junior Elementary School, Cambridge, Treasurer
Reports from September were discussed and approved.
MSLA’s long range financial plan
Jen Varney led a discussion on this topic and recommended creating a subcommittee to make recommendations about next year’s budget. A subcommittee was formed consisting of Jen Varney, Katherine Steiger, Jennifer Dimmick, Laura Gardner, Carrie Tucker and Patsy Divver.
Advocacy update
Cathy Collins updated the board on plans for the MassCUE conference and ideas about the bookmark contest for 2017-18. She indicated that we need to get a subcommittee rolling soon, as last year a bulk of the workload fell on too few people. Laura Gardner is reaching out to the entire membership via the listserv to recruit 2-3 more members. The date for Legislative Day is set for March 6, though it is unclear whether the bookmark contest will continue to be part of that day’s events.
MSLA conference planning update
Ann Perham updated the board, indicating that all proposals have been reviewed and a schedule is currently being created.
MSLA Election
Carrie Tucker reminded the board that it’s time to start seeking a new president-elect.
Lapsed Members
There was a discussion about the value of reaching out to lapsed members on a regional basis for regional events, as the Northeast region has had recent success with this strategy. Other area directors will do the same in the future as the opportunity arises.
Other news and updates:
Laura Gardner: twitter chats have been going well and she’s open to suggestions
Rachel Bouhanda is starting a podcast
Deeth Ellis is presenting at AASL
Carrie Tucker volunteered to chair her school’s NEASC steering committee.
Paige Rouse was approved as Awards co-chair.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Dimmick