Executive Board meeting
June 12, 2019 4:00 - 6:00
Bolton Public Library
Virtual (V)
Allison Barker, Co-Director Southeast Region
Michael Caligiuri, Co-Director Central Region
Karen Davidson-Heller, Co-Director Boston Region
Jennifer Dimmick, Secretary
Patsy Divver, Co-Director Metrowest Region
Deeth Ellis, Co-Director Boston Region
Maria D’Orsi, Co-Director Metrowest Region
Barb Fecteau, Co-Director Northeast Region
Sarah Forfa, Co-Director West Region (V)
Alida Hanson, Professional Learning Co-chair
Kathy Lowe, Executive Director
Laura Luker, President Elect
Claudia Palframan, Co-Director West Region (V)
Greg Pronevitz, MSLA Communications Specialist
Paige Rowse, Awards (V)
Reba Tierney, Forum Co-Editor
Carrie Tucker, President
Pamela Vallee, Co-Director Central Region (V)
Jen Varney, Cambridge, Treasurer
Call to order
Minutes & reports from the May meeting approved.
Professional learning - Kathy Lowe and Laura Luker
- 2019 conference final report
- Best attendance in about six years.
- It was a nice facility with superb customer service - great reviews from attendees. Food & location were good.
- 2020 conference planning update: Coordinators will be meeting soon to start working on theme and speakers.
- MassCUE/WGBH/MSLA event “Media Literacy: Ethics and Civil Discourse: Rediscovering Truth” Sept. 25, 2019 at TEC in Walpole.
- School Library Journal’s Leadership Basecamp and Diversity Workshop, Simmons University, August 12 and 13, 2019.
Departing board members Thank you for your service! - Carrie Tucker
Anita Cellucci
Robin Cicchetti
Karen Davidson-Heller
Kathy Lowe
Ann Perham
Linda Redding
Amy Short
Carrie Tucker presented Kathy Lowe with a framed copy of her final conference report and a professional development certificate acknowledging her 13,500 hours of service as our Executive Director. Kathy shared her gratitude for the opportunity to work with such talented and committed group of librarians and her exposure to such people at the local and national level through this board. She thanked the board leadership for working hard this year to ease the transition and ensure that MSLA is poised to stay strong and grow to the next level. She graciously volunteered to be available for any questions we have as we complete the transition.
All things transition - Carrie Tucker
- The Roles and Responsibilities for Greg Pronevitz, Director of Programming and Communication, were approved.
Budget 2019-2020 - Jen Varney
The budget we voted on last month was before the final bills came in from the conference, so the budget was revised accordingly. The revised budget was approved.
Policy manual
A second vote on revised policy language was taken and approved.
Awards - Paige Rowse
Invited Pat Sanchez to join as a third member of the awards committee.
Judi Paradis memorial: we will accept contributions now and earmark them for whatever fund or program that we ultimately establish in cooperation with Judy’s family and possibly her colleagues in Waltham. We will also acknowledge contributions appropriately.
Advocacy - Carrie Tucker
Deeth Ellis has agreed to be the chair of this committee for 2019-20. There are some people who are not on the board who will join her.
NEASC has asked Carrie Tucker to be on a committee for Scituate High. Carrie can’t do it but feels strongly that librarians should be on these committees (there are fewer and fewer). Alida Hanson volunteered to be on the committee.
Reba Tierney announced 3 open positions in Waltham: 2 elementary and 1 middle.
Amy Short noted the large number of open positions available on School Spring. The board agreed that we need to advertise ways to add a second license for teachers, which is the fastest path to certification (vs. librarians obtaining teacher certification).
Jen Varney reminded everyone about existing documents about paths to certification on the MSLA website.
Membership - Carrie Tucker
Carrie asked Area Directors to look at the list and reach out to lapsed members as warranted.
Anita Cellucci, our Region 1 director, asked New England states for info for her AASL report, due Friday.
Update of June 8, 2019, board meeting Carrie Tucker and Laura Luker participated virtually. Carol Gordon is stepping down and new president has been elected.
Meeting adjourned at 6:15
Upcoming events
- Leadership Basecamp and Diversity Workshop, SLJ, August 12-13, 2019, Simmons University
- Better Together, MSLA/MassCUE, September 25, 2019, TEC Walpole
- MSLA 2020 Conference, March 29-30, 2020, Sheraton Framingham
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Dimmick