Executive Summary
March 4, 2017 Retreat Meeting, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Dartmouth Middle School Library, Dartmouth, MA
View Minutes
The Massachusetts School Library Association Executive Board met at an all day retreat at the Dartmouth Middle School Library on Saturday, March 4 to approve the consent agenda and discuss current and future business.
This year’s Bookmark Contest was a success with 4, 176 voters from 187 towns weighing in on the bookmarks. Of the 12 winning bookmarks, 11 were able to be enhanced by the augmented reality app called Aurasma, and almost all student winners were able to attend Legislative Day. At a later date, MSLA members will be able to weigh in on changes that were implemented this year. Look for more information on the Bookmark page in the Advocacy section of the MSLA website.
There was a final vote on the remaining 5 award nominees, and all winners of MSLA awards have been selected and notified. Members of the Executive Board will be presenting the awards to the winners at meetings in their districts. The board discussed making the Super Librarian’s and President’s Award open to 6 winners overall, not just based on region.
The Nominating Committee presented their candidates for the open positions of Area Directors (Northeast, Southeast, Boston), Secretary, and Treasurer. In April membership voted on those candidates and the results are as follows: Treasurer - Jennifer Varney; Secretary - Jennifer Dimmick; Area Directors: Boston - Karen Davidson-Heller and Deeth Ellis; Central - Julie Farrell and Kelly McManus; Metrowest - Amy Bloom and Patsy Divver; Northeast - Barbara Fecteau and Laura Harrington; Southeast - Allison Barker and Jennifer Thomas; West - Chani Craig, Leslie Lomasson, and Claudia Palfreman.
Other business addressed at the meeting included an evaluation of the Executive Board meeting formats, action and strategic plans, ESSA, and School Library Licensure. Please check the MSLA website for more information on any of these topics.
Respectfully submitted,
Robyn York