Executive Board meeting
January 1, 2018 4:00 - 6:00
Massachusetts Library System
225 Cedar Hill Street, Suite 229, Marlborough, MA 01752
View full meeting minutes here.
Attending (V=Virtual):
Allison Barker, Co-Director Southeast Region
Robin Cicchetti, Advocacy
Jennifer Dimmick, SecretaryPatsy Divver, Co-Director Metrowest Region
Maria D’Orsi, Co-Director Metrowest Region
Ariel Dugan, Vocational Technical School Liaison
Deeth Ellis, Co-Director Boston Region
Barb Fecteau, Co-Director, Northeast Region
Alida Hanson, Professional Learning Co-chair
Kathy Lowe, Executive Director (V)
Laura Luker, President Elect
Claudia Palframan, Co-Director West Region (V)
Greg Pronevitz, MSLA Communications Specialist
Paige Rowse, Awards
Reba Tierney, Co-editor Forum Newsletter
Carrie Tucker, President
Pamela Vallee, Co-Director, Central Region
Jen Varney, Cambridge, Treasurer (V)Wendy Garland, Awards
Call to order
Minutes of November meeting were accepted.
Carrie Tucker expressed MSLA’s continued gratitude to Laura Bogart, Sarah Sogigian, and Steve Spohn for again providing meeting space.
Professional learning
Laura Luker and Kathy Lowe provided an update on the annual conference: we have 135 registrees (38 people registered for the dinner) so far which is strong for this stage. The early bird deadline is Feb 8. We have 5 sponsors this year. 4 are Silver Sponsors: Follett, Renaissance, Starbright Books and School Furnishings. Permabound signed up as Platinum Sponsor, which is exciting as it’s their first time sponsoring. 26 exhibitors are registered so far which is good for this stage.
If you want to add to your registration (e.g., dinner) you can pay separately for that. Contact Kathy Lowe or just add it to your registration and send a separate check.
Big thanks to the whole conference committee for the tremendous amount of work they’ve been doing on this important MSLA initiative
Ariel Dugan suggested that we add PD courses for librarians to the MSLA website. Laura Luker indicated that she does keep the Professional Learning page on the site as up to date as possible, but she invited people to alert her about any courses they’re aware of.
Awards --- Paige Rowse and Wendy Garland
Slate of award winners as proposed by the committee was approved.
Advocacy --- Greg Pronevitz & Robin Cicchetti
- The Advocacy team held a virtual meeting on January 7. See report for details.
- A meeting with DESE Commissioner Riley is set for 3/11/19 to discuss MSLA Priorities; the committee has been unsuccessful in getting an earlier meeting
- There is a possible meeting with the Joint Committee on Education
- The committee is working with Rep. Garballey on this front.
- The committee is working with Rep. Garballey on this front.
- The committee has had discussions with John Chrastka from EveryLibrary and has planned a meeting at ALA with Carrie Tucker, Laura Luker, Anita Cellucci, Greg Pronevitz and hopefully James Lonergan.
- Possible MSLA ally: Safe Schools for LGBTQ Students to join forces with to have a louder voice with DESE, whose attention has been difficult to get alone
- Possible MSLA ally: Safe Schools for LGBTQ Students to join forces with to have a louder voice with DESE, whose attention has been difficult to get alone
- Library Legislative Day will be held at the statehouse on March 5, 2019. The committee with share advocacy materials as part of the showcase.
- Will need volunteers for the MSLA Table and presenters at first timer session and briefings.
- Letter in support for MBLC’s legislative agenda was sent to Chairman Ochsenbein 11/16/18 and acknowledged soon after.
- Will need volunteers for the MSLA Table and presenters at first timer session and briefings.
- Reminder that there is still time to sign up to host a legislative breakfast in your library; there are helpful tips on the MSLA website and Greg Pronevitz is happy to advise anyone who needs help
- The committee has submitted proposals to present at AASL (November 2019) and MLA (May 2019)
- Action items/other - Volunteers for Library Legislative Day.
- MSLA/MLA Table outside the Great Hall - All Day
- Legislative Briefings at 9:30 and 11:15
- First Time Attendee Program 10:00
- Welcome from MSLA and Present AASL Commendation - Carrie Tucker
- Accept Commendation - Rep. Garballey?
- MSLA/MLA Table outside the Great Hall - All Day
Policy handbook review --- Kathy Lowe
The Board began reviewing and approving proposed changes to the handbook, but ran out of time to finish.
Team Drive for MSLA - Laura Luker
Laura Luker proposed creating a Team Drive with Google as a shared space to store, search, and access files easily.
This would require an MSLA Nonprofit account with Google (it’s free), but then would allow us to protect ourselves from the dangers of individual document ownership in addition to organizational advantages. Embarking on this initiative does not require a board vote, but all agreed that it would be a worthwhile plan.
MLS Executive Director search - Reba Tierney
The search committee is reposting and extending application deadline and making the deadline “until filled” with a prefered deadline. The search committee has formed an advisory committee with diverse backgrounds to help with screening applicants.
Quick items
- MSLA/MSLMA archives to be weeded over the winter in preparation for relocation, possibly to Simmons College.
Other news
Kathy Lowe: news from James Lonergan -- MTA has expressed widespread support for more nurses and librarians in the schools
Deeth Ellis motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:00, Laura Liker seconded and all approved.
Upcoming events
- Legislative Breakfasts around the state Jan.-Mar.
- MSLA/MLA Library Legislative Day, Mar. 5, 2019 at the State House in Boston
- MSLA conference, “School libraries are for everyone”, March 31-- April 1, 2019, Sheraton Framingham Hotel & Conference Center
- MLA Annual Conference, May 20-22, 2019 at Sheraton Framingham
Upcoming board meetings
- Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2019 4:00--6:00 Virtual
- Wednesday, Mar. 20, 2019 4:00 MLS, 225 Cedar Hill Street, Suite 229, Marlborough
- Wednesday, Apr. 10, 2019 4:00--6:00 Virtual
- Wednesday, May 15, 2019 4:00 MLS, 225 Cedar Hill Street, Suite 229, Marlborough
- Wednesday, June 12, 2019 4:00--6:00 location tbd
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Dimmick