June 29, 2016
Retreat in Orange, MA
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Executive Summary
MSLA Board members met for a retreat style meeting at Leslie Lomasson’s home in Orange, MA. Board members approved next year’s budget as well as a new Southeast area director, Jen Thomas and Advocacy Committee co-chair, Ariel Dagan. Members discussed the ALA Annual Conference as well as new initiatives for MSLA to consider as the board develops the strategic plan for the next five years. This strategic plan, as well as the new board members, will be approved at the next meeting in September.
The retreat immediately followed the ALA Annual Conference and members who attended discussed their experiences. New AASL representatives Jen Dimmick and Reba Tierney presented the Digital Learning Day Commendation in Orlando. MSLA President-elect Carrie Tucker, current President Anita Cellucci, and Board Member Amy Short also attended the Annual Conference and discussed the Future Ready initiative. Watch for more info about Future Ready Librarian on the website and in the Forum.
The Professional Learning Committee (PLC) Is considering offering more free, online resources and publicizing state resources that members can use to satisfy professional development (PD) requirements. The committee discussed implementing badges to represent a librarian’s mastery of specific skills covered by online training and other PD. In addition, the board discussed ways to cultivate relationships with new members as well as sustaining current ones. If you are interested in becoming involved in PD, consider volunteering for the PLC committee.
Other issues the board discussed included addressing “morale,” supporting diverse needs of our libraries, supporting both paras and credentialed librarians, recruiting diverse librarians, and collecting Annual Report data.