Executive Board Meeting Summary
February 16, 2017
Virtual Meeting
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The Executive Board met virtually on Wednesday, February 15 to discuss the bookmark contest, twitter chats, librarian awards, the nominee committee, webinars with WGBH, Library Legislative Day, and other executive board planning tasks and initiatives.
Social Media
Twitter chats continue on the first Tuesday of each month. In order to participate, you must use the participate.com platform, but you can also go on twitter to see the posts during the chat time.
The Bookmark Committee has selected the winners of this year’s contest and have notified winners. These winning bookmarks will be on display during Library Legislative Day.
The Librarian Awards Committee discussed their selection and vetting process for this year’s winners, and reiterated their overall mission of providing acknowledgement to outstanding librarians and their programs, while maintaining advocacy for licensed library positions. This year’s winners have been notified and an official listing will be on the MSLA website soon.
WGBH Collaboration
Working with Carolyn Jacobs at WGBH, MSLA members will be creating webinars for professional development opportunities for educators on topics such as ESSA and fake news.
Library Legislative Day
Coming up on Tuesday, March 7, is Library Legislative Day. There will be 19 displays in the showcase with 7 focusing solely on school libraries.
Executive Board Planning
Deeth Ellis was approved as the Boston Area Co-Director since Reba Tierney has moved out of Boston and is now at Waltham High School. Executive board members evaluated meeting format, training, and other aspects of the running of the board to ensure the effectiveness of the organization. Additionally, area directors and other board members began work on their action plans. This work will continue at the next meeting on March 4, which is a retreat-style meeting.