In attendance: Michael Caligiuri Liz Cammilleri Maria D’Orsi Deeth Ellis Barb Fecteau Michelle Fontaine | Debbie Froggatt Wendy Garland Morgan Keohane Emily Kristofek Emma Kwon Laura Luker Claudia Palframan | Elena Schuck Luke Steere Ella Stocker Reba Tierney Georgina Trebbe Jen Varney Alix Woznick |
- Welcome, check in, call to order 4:11pm: Approve minutes of November meeting --- Dec “minutes” for reference
- Housekeeping items:
- Send web updates to [email protected] and work to keep your own web pages fresh and updated
- Remaining meetings are on the dashboard.
- Please add regional events to the calendar on the MSLA website. (Important for when we try to schedule events!)
- Treasurer - Michelle Fontaine: membership fees being collected from CVENT, looking at replacement companies,
- MLS liaison update - Christi Farrar: April has left MLS, Christi on leave, Jen attended MLS Board meeting last week and discussed our partnership
- (Professional Learning - see below; separate agenda item)
- Advocacy - Georgina: Conference Monday lunchtime speaker all set, Michelle F willing to help with Twitter, Luke able to help with website. Please share job descriptions and brag sheets with Georgina. Re-share letter from Senator Lesser. She spoke to Michael Moriarty, DESE Board member about early literacy. As recommended, the MSLS Conference Committee has invited Heather Peske Senior Commissioner DESE to speak at the conference about MA State Early Literacy program. Georgina noted the goal is to create avenues of collaboration with DESE. Georgina is on the committee for two new State programs. First is, MBLC, reviewing subscription databases programs with two other MSLA members. Second is for the DLCS curriculum review. In preparation for adding to the CURATE program, Georgina will be reviewing high school curriculums. Morgan recommended the Tufts program for a coding license K-4th Grades. Georgina suggested as it's free. Merit to gaining double licensing eg SPED, ELL, literacy
- Awards - Wendy: Feb agenda will share proposals, making final decisions in the next few days, will ask Board for approval of awards, then inform folx, then delayed rollout to gen public (2-3 weeks later) to allow time for media posts
- Office - Emily Kristofek: office busy with membership renewals
- Forum/Podcast - Reba Tierney, Luke Steere & Ella Stocker: Interviewed new librarian in Natick (Sarah) & Ross Cannon new librarian in Ayer; censorship topic
- Outreach / MLA Legislative Update - Deb Froggatt
i. MSLA Report to MLA 1216/21
ii. Notes from MLA Legislative Committee 1/13/22 Meeting
H - 4120
Iii. Discussion: certified librarians & access to the Comm ebook collection.
- Update on conference: 27 people registered, schedule 95% set, 3 speakers set
- Policy PD, Unconferences, and Book discussion group: We need to be proactive, have policies and procedures in place in your schools; January 6th meeting with school librarians to write a collection development policy and challenge form, 75 registered, 30+ showed up, next book discussion on February 9th, next unconferences on February 3rd & March 2nd
- Crisis Communication Plan - ad hoc committee - Luker
- Logo or statement?
Coordinate with MLA, others? Jen asking should we affiliate with AASL, do a written statement
7. Other news/topics from board members
- Annual Meeting follow-up - Jen (Tabled for now): after surge/omicron, time to be proactive: priorities are book challenges, annual conference, advocacy
- Northeast: Barb Fidea for games/afternoon w drinks, recruit people to the to fun committee
- Metrowest: Maria: recommended reading Marcelo in the Real World by Francisco X. Stork, our guest February 17th, open to all, free, will announce through listserv
- Reba: Tressa can help with class sets, reasonable cost