In attendance: Michael Caligiuri Liz Cammilleri Maria D’Orsi Deeth Ellis Barb Fecteau Michelle Fontaine Debbie Froggatt Michael Caligiuri Liz Cammilleri | Maria D’Orsi Deeth Ellis Barb Fecteau Michelle Fontaine Debbie Froggatt Wendy Garland Morgan Keohane Emma Kwon Laura Luker | Ingrid Mayyasi Donna Phillips Elena Schuck Ella Stocker Luke Steere Reba Tierney Jen Varney Alix Woznick Trent Bordok (starts July 1st) |
2. Housekeeping items --- Jen
- Send web updates to [email protected] and work to keep your own web pages fresh and updated (no but really). Remaining meetings are on the dashboard.
- Please add regional events to the calendar on the MSLA website. (Important for when we try to schedule events!) Please consider hosting in-person regional meetings if at all possible.
- Treasurer --- Michelle Fontaine: Status quo, a couple of Paradis Fund donations came in, $100,579.59 total net worth
- MLS liaison update --- Christi Farrar emailed updates to Jen:
- MLS has an updated Intellectual Freedom guide to help support libraries that may be facing challenges:
- The MA Policy Collection is also updated with more policies and reconsideration forms/processes:
- And there's a newly posted webinar on Intellectual Freedom with Dr. Martin Garnar (of Amherst College) on June 7 at 11am:
- MLS Consultants are back on the road! If you would like a visit from one of us, to either get help with a project or to show off your library, just reach out.
- Advocacy --- notes from Georgina to Jen: Email from DESE today Katherine Tarka meet to develop info lit standards for MA, Georgina and Claudia at MTA Outreach - Debbie: Recently gave the attached annual report to the MLA Board. Digital Equity Act rep approached MSLA, Deb and Jen to meet with a group from Senator Markey’s office about funding for digital equity. Deb going to MA Library Association meeting next week. Thanks to Greg for his mentorship. Full report in folder. Jen reiterates they are meeting with Senator Markey’s office next week.
- Office --- Emily Kristofek – Emily is beginning to contact locations for 2023 in-person conference, and the major project coming up this month is the transition to Wild Apricot from Cvent.: Via Jen: looking for in-person venue for conference. Goal is June 13 to switch from Cvent to Wild Apricot.
- Forum/Podcast ---Luke Steere — Spring Issue is up— thanks everyone! Pastycast Podcast: Patsy ep up (finally!); Colleen S. next; then Morgan K.; MTCBA eps peppered in, Ella meeting with them later today.
- Better Together - Announcement: Fall back to school co-hosted by MSLA, MassCue, MASCD, GBH - August 25, 2022 Mosesian Center for the Arts, Watertown 4-6 pm.
5. Ad Hoc Awards Committee update - Jen V.
- Please add your thoughts to this document
- Met once to clarify mission for awards, purpose, how best to achieve. May change timing as per Luke’s suggestion to launch awards at conference to encourage more nominations.
7. Strategic Plan planning - Jen: Jen and Deb meeting to start
- Task force vs. entire board; might be able to work with MLS and get PDP’s for small planning committee; Jen would like suggestions for what people would like to see; Morgan commented on the merit of BPS library strategic plan: small group work on specific parts shared back with the larger group for review. Deb noted BPS library plan aligned with the overall BPS strategic plan, so accordingly MSLA strategic plan should be aligned with MBLC.
- June Board meeting (Weds June 15th) - in person? Where? Celebration?
- Annual membership meeting - has been virtual in July for past 2-3 years
Adjourn 6:00 pm