and a winner of the MSLA Web Seal of Excellence
8 school librarians gathered at the Carlisle School to discuss “Ditching Dewey,” share ideas, tour an exemplary library (as it transitions to exemplary Learning Commons), socialize, and enjoy dinner together.
Maya described her experiences with re-organizing her nonfiction collection into genres and also with transitioning from Library to Learning Commons. She demoed a couple of new technologies; turning herself into a human Keyboard with a MaKey MaKey (courtesy of Watertown Free Public Library) and cruising our table with a programmable Bee-bot.
Books are organized by category then sub-category (alphabetized) and then by author’s last name. The Dewey Decimal Number remains on the spine label, even for new books. This is not an extensive list, but gives an idea of how things are organized.
- Diseases
- Human Body
- Medicine
- Biographies
- Space
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Experiments
- Technology*
- Engineering*
- Biographies (Wright Brothers, Earhart)
- Cars/Trucks
- Planes
- Trains
- Robots
- Amphibians
- Farm
- Pets
- Sea Mammals
- Mammals
- Big Cats
- Reptiles
- Dinosaurs
- Endangered
- Rodents
- Weather
- Insects
- Earth (natural disasters, volcanoes, etc)
- Rocks/Minerals
- Gardening
- Plants
- Trees
- Ancient civs
- Titanic
- Pirates
- Explorers
- WWI/WWII + Holocaust
- Biographies
- Colonial Era
- Rev. War
- Biographies
- Geography
- Presidents
- Immigration
- Symbols
- Civil Rights
- Christianity
- Judaism
- Islam
- Hinduism
- Buddhism
- French
- Spanish
- Chinese
Countries/Cultures - continent/region (ex: Middle East) + country
ELA (English Language Arts - will be changed because term is confusing to kids)
- Fairy tales
- Fractured
- Cinderella
- Fractured
- Folktales
- Poetry
- Novels in Verse
- Biography
- Myth
- Legend
- Fables
- Fun Facts (World Record type books)
- Picture Puzzles (I Spy, Waldo)
- Video Games (Minecraft)
Strange/Spooky - ghosts, aliens, paranormal
- Biography
- Art
- Drawing
- Music
- Film
- Dance
- Inventions
- Building
- Crafts
- Origami