As the Library Commission continues the important work to discover the state of our school libraries in Massachusetts, we are continuing conversations about what is happening in our libraries and what we know about the difference in quality as well as the difference in equitable resources available to create these programs. When we are in good situations, it is easy to forget about the other situations that exist. It is also easy to pass judgement on the quality of instruction, the level of collaboration and the number of innovative programs that are produced in the other spaces. It is harder to put ourselves into the shoes of the educators who are working in schools - without the understanding and support of administrators, the finances to support student innovation and the staff to allow for collaboration.
Today I challenge us all to dare greatly together - to remember that if we are in the arena, and we are doing our best to stay in the arena, that this too matters and our understanding of each other is necessary in order to move our profession and libraries forward.