Silver Lake Regional High School Library Linda Redding, Librarian From newscasts to sharing creative writing to weather reports, the Laker TV Studio provides an opportunity for students to go beyond being consumers of information to being creators of information. Students gain experience using television production technology, as well as develop and practice reading, writing, speaking, and listening .skills. The Laker TV studio is a fully operational studio with equipment donated by PACTV. |
Two new field cameras, a green screen, and two Sony editing stations are highlights of the studio. PACTV also donated to the library 6 flip style HD cameras that are available for students and staff to check out. In addition to the equipment, PACTV provides a support person to help students and staff with productions. Library Teacher Linda Redding along with Erika Christensen from PACTV supervise productions in the Laker TV Studio. Erika is at Silver Lake on Tuesdays after school for the Laker TV Club and on Wednesdays assisting students who are enrolled in independent study projects involving media production.
Recently students in the Early Childhood Education and Care class spent time in the library researching the importance of early literacy and then worked in groups in the Laker TV Studio producing PSAs that aired on PACTV during Family Literacy Month in November. Journalism students spent time in the Laker TV Studio taping episodes of Good Morning Silver Lake that are shown in place of PA announcements on occasion. Using the green screen students in meteorology have created weather reports and creative writing students have recited their written work in front of the screen with student artwork added to the background. During the district wide STEM Day Open House at Silver Lake the Laker TV Studio doors were open for exploration, as well as providing a chance for students to share their projects with the community.
Thanks to a donation from the Silver Lake Class of 1966 the Laker TV Studio has a customized anchor desk. The desk was designed and built by students in the carpentry program at Silver Lake. The news of the anchor desk was featured as a community interest story on PACTV’s PCN-PACTV Community News.
Beyond the school day PACTV offers free memberships to students and staff opening up the opportunity to take classes and create programs at the state of the art PACTV studio in Plymouth. Classes and student groups have had great success and fun producing programming that is shared with the community through the Laker TV Studio.
Beyond the school day PACTV offers free memberships to students and staff opening up the opportunity to take classes and create programs at the state of the art PACTV studio in Plymouth. Classes and student groups have had great success and fun producing programming that is shared with the community through the Laker TV Studio.